There are 4 main ways in which you can help Milk Matters to save lives:


“Just 50ml of donor milk can feed a baby of under 1kg for 24 hours – and potentially be life-saving!”
– Milk Matters



Make your on-line donation now – how much is up to you. Every cent will help save a baby’s life.

Every drop matters. Every cent matters. Every supporter matters.

Financial donations – of any amount – are just as vital as breastmilk donations in enabling us to continue to provide the life-line of safe, pasteurized donor breastmilk to babies fighting for survival in intensive care units. Your money helps us cover the essential costs involved in running a breastmilk bank and maintaining the internationally accepted best practices for human milk banks. Maintaining these standards is not negotiable – it is what ensures the milk we supply to the tiny recipient babies is safe. Funding also helps us expand and help more babies, meaning more lives are saved.

Can you help? Can you spare a once-off donation or a regular on-going donation?
No donation is too small to make a difference!

Banking Details

Our banking details are below should you wish to make an electronic funds transfer or a deposit at the bank.

Please send a copy of your deposit slip / proof of payment along with your name and contact details so we can not only be able to thank you, but also send you a donations receipt to submit to SARS for tax deduction purposes.


Account Name: Milk Matters
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 07 288 9837
Branch: Mowbray
Branch code: 051001
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Reference: Donation + Your Full Name
Please note: The Swift Code is required for International Donations.

Become a regular donor – monthly or annually

Would you like to support some of our most vulnerable babies with a fixed payment on a regular monthly or annual basis? If so, please set up a stop order or recurring payment via internet banking in favour of Milk Matters.

Using a stop order or recurring payment facility means that control is always in your hands and you can increase, decrease or stop the payments at any time.

Donate with PayFast

Donate Funds Online with PayFast

Donate with PayFast PayFast is a secure online payment system which allows you to donate funds directly to Milk Matters using a choice of payment methods.

Leave a legacy or bequest

As one life ends, others could be saved. Imagine if a decision you took now had the power to protect and even save lives even after your own lifetime. Imagine that those are the lives of the tiniest babies fighting for survival in neonatal intensive care units.

By leaving a bequest in your Will to Milk Matters you will ensure that more premature babies are given the opportunity to survive, that more mothers will go home from the maternity hospital filled with joy instead of grief. Your gift will have a lasting, life-time impact on the babies who benefit from it.

What is a bequest?
A bequest is simply a gift of money or property left in your Will to a person or organisation after your death. It provides an opportunity to give a gift to others in a way that you might not be able to afford to do during your lifetime; only when you no longer need it is the gift used to benefit someone else.

There are various types of bequests that you can make. For more information about bequests and to discuss how your bequest could be used by Milk Matters, please contact us. Whatever you choose to leave to Milk Matters, and whatever the value, it will make a difference to the lives of babies and their families.

Shop for a Cause – at no cost to you!


Support Milk Matters effortlessly by applying for a MyPlanet card – raise funds without costing you a cent.

About MyVillage and MyPlanet:

Launched as an extension of the MySchool Fundraising Programme, MyVillage and MyPlanet focuses on community upliftment projects , animal welfare and the environment. It allows anyone to raise funds for our organisation without costing them a cent. Apply for a MyPlanet card today. It is free to you. Swipe your MyPlanet card at retailers across the country every time you shop. The store will donate a percentage of your purchase to your selected beneficiary, on your behalf. Get a card here! Add Milk Matters as one of your beneficiaries on an existing card, or link your existing card to your Woolworths card to save swiping two cards.

Benefits of having a MyPlanet Card:
1. Raise funds without it costing you a cent!
2. Receive exclusive discounts from various partners, such as WRewards at Woolworths & special offers from Altech Netstar. You can find the latest special offers for cardholders here.
3. Receive a monthly statement via email showing your transactions and how much you have raised for our organisation.
4. You can use your card at over 2000 different stores. Find the partner stores in your area here.
Every swipe counts!

My Planet2Apply for Your MyPlanet Card
It’s free! Get the card and get swiping to make a difference. Or call 0860 100 445 to apply. Shop at supporting partners in order to generate funds for your beneficiary.

Contact MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet on:
E-mail Client Services:
Telephone: 0860 100 445
Fax: 0866 822 833


Milk Matters is very much a community organisation and we rely on the involvement of our community to support us in many ways. Importantly, it need not necessarily cost you anything to support us. Consider the suggestions below and please contact us with any ideas of your own.

Together we can make sure increasing numbers of babies have access to life-saving donor breastmilk.

Every drop matters. Every cent matters. Every supporter matters.

Raise Funds for Milk Matters – every cent helps to save babies just as much as every drop of precious breastmilk does!

  • Shop for a Cause – an easy and free way for South African residents to donate to Milk Matters and help increase babies chances of survival. Apply now for your MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card.
  • Donations in lieu of gifts – Are you wiling to pay forward your birthday or special occasion gifts so they have a lasting impact on the lives of others? In fact a life-changing, life-saving impact! Ask your guests to make a donation to Milk Matters in lieu of a gift.
  • Nominate Milk Matters for your company’s Corporate Social Investment programme or Annual Staff Charitable Donation or send us the details so we can submit an application.
  • Host or arrange an event to raise funds – it can range from something small and low-key to a large event or something unusual. It just depends on you, your interests, your energy, your talents, your connections, your ideas! Be creative and have fun raising funds that will save babies.A few suggestions to inspire you:
    – a small, low-key tea / dinner for a few friends, or a big party with all your friends.
    – get more adventurous and have a themed party
    – a progressive dinner
    – a dinner with a high profile / sought after guest speaker
    – a medium to large corporate event
    – a sponsored run / walk/ cycle/ climb / ? – hold it locally or be more adventurous and head for somewhere off the beaten track or somewhere particularly challenging.
    – Organise a trivia evening, a dance-athon, a sponsored pram run, or karaoke evening.
    – Arrange some prizes and hold a raffle.
    – Have a Baby Goods Swop – for a small fee per item you and friends swop baby goods (clothes, equipment, toys, etc.) that you no longer want.
    – Organise a Golf Day, a Fun Run or a Fun Ride.
    – Enter sporting events and ask people to sponsor you.



Are you able to assist us with anything on our wish list?

Currently Milk Matters needs:

  • Plastic bottles we supply to our donor mothers
  • Office stationary – specifically ink cartridges, paper for printing, laminating pouches
  • Printing pamphlets
  • Laptop
  • Sponsorship of promotional items
  • Advertising in the media

Every drop matters. Every cent matters. Every supporter matters.


I don’t have milk. What else can I do?

Without human milk banks we would lose more premature infants and we would not be seeing so many premature infants going home healthy.
Doctor, Neonatologist at a leading Cape Town State Hospital