Informal Milk Sharing/Sharing Breastmilk : Milk Matters
Milk Matters is committed to supporting breastfeeding and breastmilk feeding for all babies. We encourage and support mothers to provide their own breastmilk for their own babies and will encourage and support all mothers requiring help with any breastfeeding issue. Our priority has been and always will be the support and encouragement of breastfeeding.
We recognize that some mothers will not be able to produce enough milk due to various reasons and their babies will have a need for supplementation. We encourage all mothers to make sure they make educated and well informed choices as to what supplementation is used.
We encourage all mothers to donate to a recognized human milk bank to meet the need of supplementation, especially for premature babies. We also recognize that some mothers will donate their excess breastmilk on an informal basis.
We encourage all mothers who choose to supplement with donor milk on an informal basis to ensure that the donating mother has a blood test done, particularly HIV and Hepatitis B, and that the donated milk has been pasteurized.
The donated breastmilk can be heat treated safely and cost-effectively at home using the Flash Pasteurisation method. The method is described in detail under Pasteurisation on our website.
Milk Matters accepts no responsibility with regard to a mother’s choice to use breastmilk on an informal basis or to use breastmilk substitutes.
Everything in moderation in diet when breastfeeding...My husband dropped off milk this morning. I am feeling very empowered and grateful that I am able to help such tiny humans!
A doctor’s thanks to donor mothers: You have restored hope and life, which otherwise may have been lost.
The premature infants, their parents, doctors and nursing staff thank you from the deepest recesses of our hearts. We know not your names, how you look or where you come from, but our bond is close and you are always in our thoughts and prayers.